Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Key

Yesterday, Teagan, our 10 year old told us it was time she have her own house key. We were leaving the house and I noticed she had brought along her purse with some of her belongings inside. I immediately agreed that she should have her own key. I realized how she is quickly gaining more independence and it both excites and scares me. She is slowly being left home alone for short time periods. She walks the dog alone around the neighborhood. She had permission to bike to her friend's house without an adult. The other night I checked on her after she had fallen asleep. It was then that I noticed how her feet nearly hang off the end of her bed. When did those legs become so very long? I wish I could keep her this way forever. But I know she will grow and fly away someday. So I will go tomorrow to get a house key made for her. I will hand it over to her with excitement thinking of her becoming more independent and responsible, along with regret that someday she will not longer need it. In reality, it means so much more than just a key. The thought of her ever returning that key or not needing that key any longer, saddens me beyond belief. I fear the day our 4 bedroom home comfortably accommodates guests. The day will come when she will leave our house and venture off somewhere new. She will head off to college or move out of state. There will be a day when she has her own key to a different place that she calls home. When that time arrives, I will try to accept it but she had better always keep this key close at hand. She will forever be welcomed at this home.


  1. :-)
    Amazing words Missy. You definitely should write more.
    It is my oldest daughter's birthday today and I feel the exact same way. I however could never put it in such good words.

  2. It's kind of scary thinking of the kids growing up so fast. Do you still have a key to our house?

  3. Of course I still have my key. It's in our closet upstairs in an old box of memories. And I have no intentions of returning it anytime soon.

  4. wow, you need to write more because I know you have so many wonderful stories and observations in you that I'd love to hear. I can't believe Teagan is 10!!! crazy....

  5. Great post Missy. Keep em' coming!
